Attendance for Students with Episodic Medical Conditions
Last Updated: Nov 21, 2024, 09:20 AM
Information for Faculty
Some students with episodic medical conditions may be eligible to receive modifications to course attendance requirements. In the case when students are approved for this type of accommodation, it will appear on the Faculty Notification Letter, which is emailed to the instructor of record.
The University must use an interactive process in determining certain academic adjustments, such as attendance modifications. Faculty determine course attendance policies and are not required to lower standards. However, faculty are asked to consider the essential course learning objectives when considering attendance modifications for disabled students.
In some cases, attendance is fundamental to course objectives. For example, students may be required to interact with others in the class, to demonstrate the ability to think and argue critically, or to participate in group projects. In other instances, faculty may determine that students can master course content despite some or many absences.
Consider the following questions to determine if class attendance is fundamental to course participation:
- Is there classroom interaction between the instructor and students, and among students?
- Do student contributions constitute a significant component of the learning process?
- Does the fundamental nature of the course rely upon student participation as an essential method for learning?
- To what degree does a student's failure to attend constitute a significant loss to the educational experience of other students in the class?
- What does the course description and syllabus say?
- What is the method by which the final course grade is calculated?
- What are classroom practices and policies regarding attendance?
Faculty should make their policies clear and reinforce this information by including it on the course syllabus. As well, policies regarding make-up work and missed quizzes and exams should be clearly stated.
- When developing an attendance policy, avoid generic statements such as: “Absences are not allowed in this course.”
- It is best to tie attendance policies to the essential course learning objectives.
- If attendance and participation is fundamental to the course and faculty intend restrict absences, consider using wording like this: "Your presence is fundamental to meeting the objectives of this course because...” “Consequently, the absence policy is...”
Responsibilities & Procedures
Faculty Responsibilities & Procedures
Faculty Responsibilities & Procedures
- Faculty Notification Letters are distributed via email to instructors.
- Students approved for attendance modifications will have this accommodation listed on the letter.
- Faculty should accept the letter in lieu of a doctor’s note(s) for medical or disability related absences.
- Upon receipt of the letter, faculty should consider the course objectives and be ready to discuss modifications with the student or a DSS staff member, if needed.
- If a student requests additional absence beyond those allowed in the course syllabus, faculty will be contacted by a DSS coordinator.
If essential course objectives conflict with attendance modifications:
- Discuss attendance and make-up policies and procedures with DSS.
- Faculty may discuss the request with the student but must not deny the attendance modifications until DSS has been consulted.
- Do not demand detailed disability information from the student or confront them about the legitimacy of their request.
- The discussion with the student should help the student to weigh their options and make an informed decision about progressing through the course.
Student Responsibilities & Procedures
Student Responsibilities & Procedures
The DSS Student Portal provides written verification of attendance modifications through the Faculty Notification Letter. This letter can address the legitimacy of disability related absences, but further discussion may be needed depending on the course.
Students have the responsibility to:
- Renew their accommodations each term to send the Faculty Notification Letter using the DSS Student Portal. This must be done as soon as possible in the beginning of the term.
- Review the attendance policy of each course and contact their DSS coordinator if they foresee the need for additional absences. This must be done as soon as possible in the beginning of the term.
- When students are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms and need to be absent, they must notify their instructors as soon as possible.
- If students are nearing the limit on allowed or modified absences, they must contact their DSS coordinator and instructor to discuss.
Assignment extensions:
- If a student absence occurs on a due date, students must still submit the assignment. If appropriate, students can request a reasonable extension from the instructor as provided for in the course syllabus. DSS can assist, as needed.
- When student absences have the potential to delay work on a future assignment, the student should contact the instructor to discuss their progress and request a reasonable extension as provided for in the course syllabus. DSS can assist, as needed.
OAA Responsibilities & Procedures
OAA Responsibilities & Procedures
OAA staff make decisions about the need for attendance modifications based on appropriate medical and/or psychological documentation provided by the student to OAA. In conjunction with faculty, OAA will make the final determination of whether modifications are appropriate based on the essential course learning objectives and requirements.
OAA will:
- Thoughtfully consider and discuss student needs and assist them in navigating this process with their instructors.
- Instruct students to initiate the accommodation by sending Faculty Notification Letters.
- Instruct students to review the syllabus and contact OAA if additional absences beyond the allowed limit may be necessary.
- Thoughtfully consider and discuss the course objectives and requirements with the faculty member.